Saturday, June 6, 2020

Corruption: New Mexico Courts, Justice System, Plaintiffs, Government

Things have not changed much since the now-retired FBI Senior Agent in Charge made this statement just days before he retired. (Smart man!)


 The sickness goes back many, many decades; it's tied in to the Democratic Party of New Mexico, which has maintained dominance over elected offices, like the NM Senate & House of Representatives.  Most recently,  Democrat State Senator Richard Martinez was involved in a DUI accident where he nearly killed the other vehicle's occupants. He received a five (5) DAY jail sentence; was allowed to keep his Senate seat & put forth legislation to make convicting people of DUIs much more difficult in New Mexico!

Not to be outdone is the Albuquerque Police Department, which was recently investigated by the US Department of Justice, for a pattern and practice of denying people Constitutional Rights, often by on-the-spot trial, sentence and execution.   This is a highly partisan department which acts as the security force for the Democratic Party and often helps to 'dig up dirt' on candidates who are not on a friendly basis with it.  One of its most heinous deeds was the framing of an African-American man, Van Bering Robinson, for the murder of an Albuquerque Police Officer, Phil Chacon, back in the 1980s.  Robinson sat on death row for 29 months, until former Governor, and then US District Court Judge E. L. Meechen, (Republican-NM)  got involved in the case and freed Robinson.  He wrote a scathing Memorandum Opinion and Order on 13 January 1986 USDC Robinson v. Maruffi, Polisar, Kramer, Hansen et al, CIV 84-1216M, outlining how a number of Officers, the Chief, etc. had conspired together thru perjury, subornation of perjury, destruction of exculpatory evidence, manufacture of evidence, etc. "to get" Robinson.  One of the defendants, Joseph M. Polisar, was later to be CHOSEN AS POLICE CHIEF in July 1994, by then Democrat Mayor Martin J. Chavez.  Polisar, a former Long Island, New York taxi driver, was married to Mayor Chavez's sister. 

The Department's Intelligence Unit was later found to be conducting a campaign of dirty tricks, disinformation, character assassination against political enemies of the Democrat incumbent Mayor, i.e. Republican challengers and people the Department considered 'enemies', organizations such as the ACLU, NAACP, NM Lawyers' Guild and an assortment of Community Activists.  Over fifty-nine percent (59.4%) of the Intelligence Unit's targets were NON-CRIMINALS.  Joseph N. Riggs, III et al v. City of Albuquerque, et al, USDC CIV 88-1141SG.  As settlement, the Department was ordered to destroy all files, phony police incident reports it had manufactured, etc. and was placed under the SUPERVISION of the Los Angeles Police Department.  The irony is overwhelming.

There are many other cases involving the use of deadly force, which finally brought the Albuquerque Police Department to the US Department of Justice's attention. Most notably the execution death of James Boyd, a homeless camper who was shot dead after one Albuquerque Police Officer had indicated he intended to shoot Boyd in his crotch even before he appeared at the scene.  Bean bag round, Taser & K9 were deployed SIMULTANEOUSLY so that they could later argue the shooting was after progressive measures were taken.  Unfortunately, someone had a camera going.   But I digress.  Even worse than the Boyd case was the execution of Rodrick Jones, a retired US Air Force Officer, Husband and Father, then working as a Uniformed Federal Security Guard at Kirtland Air Force Base.  He was NOT a criminal. He was an African-American man.  He was apparently walking on the sidewalk near a home where Albuquerque Police Officer Brandon Carr was responding.  Jones was shot several times in the back.  Officer Carr concocted a tale of Jones being inside the home, reaching for a weapon when he was shot by Officer Carr.  Albuquerque Police Department's own Forensic Unit determined that Officer Carr had lied; that Jones was on the sidewalk, unarmed and had been shot in the back.  Carr was fired, but Democrat District Attorney Kari A. Brandenburg manipulated a "Special Grand Jury" to not return a Bill of Indictment against Carr.  The City of Albuquerque's Taxpayers were punished instead, by settling with Jones grieving Widow & children for the sum of $950,000.

Here's what former Albuquerque/Bernalillo County District Attorney had to say about Albuquerque Police:

From the cavalcade of corrupt Judges at Metropolitan and District Court, to the Plaintiffs they serve, the Judicial System is putrid. Particularly humorous is the case of Judge Theresa Gomez.  She was the narrator in a video shown to prospective Metropolitan Court Jurors dealing with 'Ethics'.  Here is a sampling of recent cases. 

Charges against Judge John Brennan were allowed to "slip through the cracks" as is often the case in Albuquerque, NM.  KRQE Channel 13 News (CBS affiliate)  "investigative reporter"  Larry Barker cited a Department of Public Safety report that AT LEAST four (4) of the then twenty (20) Albuquerque District Court Judges "used cocaine and partied with criminal defense attorneys".  The four (4) Judges were never identified.

Next comes the case of Judge Gerald Reuhen Cole.  This is one of the more extreme cases and is connected to another case which this blog will cover.  Judge Cole murdered his Wife, Nancy, then committed suicide.  She was about to divorce him.  The talk about town was that he murdered her to keep her from divulging his many instances of corruption in their divorce filings.  Judge Cole was involved in granting at least one Restraining Order to a questionable plaintiff, who had a history of litigiousness and of working as a paralegal in major New York City, Vernal, Utah & Albuquerque, NM law firms.  Judge Cole's Wife, Nancy, was coincidentally a teacher at the University of New Mexico's School of Education where she was one of three (3) teachers instructing an individual whom Judge Cole granted a Restraining Order against. Judge Cole was also a good friend of the aforementioned plaintiff's boss, an elderly lawyer by the surname of Schlenker, partner in one of Albuquerque's largest law firms at the time.  Although he had a very mediocre record as a Judge and the Albuquerque Journal recommended against his being retained on the bench in Albuquerque/Bernalillo County elections, he was 'canonized' as are most of Albuquerque's rascals after his murder/suicide.

Next we come to Judge Albert "Pat" Murdoch, who once placed a rapist who happened to be an Albuquerque Police Officer on Probation because he felt "cops don't belong in jail".  He also suppressed a Client List of  "Desert Divas", rumored to have contained the names of many influential , nationally-known Democrat politicians.   Judge Murdoch was charged with rape and stepped down from the bench.   His case also "fell through the cracks".  He later committed suicide, as do so many who have damaging information against leading figures of the Democratic Party, i.e. Jeffrey Epstein immediately comes to mind.




Then we have the less outrageous Albuquerque Metropolitan Court Judges

Next, I wanted to mention Judge Angela Juzang Jewell, a Baltimore, Maryland transplant, along with her husband, Judge Tommy Jewell, of the Juvenile Division of District Court.   I will start with Judge Tommy Jewell first, since he was accused with assaulting and battering his paramour.  Naturally, the paramour, Ms. Karen Summers, was found "not credible".  You see, Judge Tommy Jewell is not only a Democrat, but a Judge and African-American, which gives him the perfect trifecta to escape any sanctions.  It is terribly sad where a credible Woman victim was further victimized by the Courts, & others have been believed.  New Mexico and particularly Bernalillo County/Albuquerque have been a rich source of false accusers who were believed. 

Judge Tommy Jewell & Karen Summers in more harmonious times.  

 Karen Summers and then Governor Bill Richardson (Dem-NM)

Judge Angela Juzang Jewell below.

Some of the very interesting cases that Judge Angela Juzang Jewell has been involved in.  Three (3) are featured here.


 Ellen Snyder murdered her husband and buried him, with her Son's help, on their once mutual home's property. She and Mike Synder, her husband, had a divorce case pending before Judge Angela Juzang Jewell.  Ellen Snyder claimed that her husband had no interest in appearing and Judge Jewell went along with that wild claim.  Judge Jewell granted a full property award to Ellen Snyder. Years later, after her Son had confided in a friend that his Mother had murdered her Father and they had both buried him on their property, the friend went to Albuquerque Police (interestingly, one of whom had BOUGHT that home!) and Snyder was arrested.  She later said she went into a blind rage when her husband, Mike, allegedly told her he was Gay, and murdered him.  You would think the case would then be enhanced as also a HATE CRIME, but that was not the case in Bluer than Blue Bernalillo County/Albuquerque.  Ellen Snyder did a ridiculously short time in prison and was portrayed as some kind of heroine who 'survived abuse' at the hands of her hapless victim.  Mike Snyder had Multiple Sclerosis and was in no physical condition to pose any harm according to mutual friends. He was NOT Gay.

Viola Trevino had a friend who worked in a position dealing with DNA, paternity, etc. With that friend's help, she obtained a phony birth certificate alleging her ex-husband had gotten her pregnant (even though he had had a vasectomy years earlier) went to Court and with the help of Judge Angela Juzang Jewell and other Judges obtained a total of $20,000. in child support for herself. Her ruse was discovered years later when she brought someone else's child to Court to 'prove' she had indeed given birth to a child.  At the time of her arrest,  Judge Angela Juzang Jewell's official Court stationery was found in Viola Trevino's possession.  You are left to think: How could she possibly have obtained them unless she had access to Judge Jewell's chambers and stole them, or she was seen ex-parte by Judge Jewell and they were given to her?   She also did a ridiculously short time in prison.

Kathylyn M. Beck (Kathylyn M. Brunkhorst Beck) has gone to Court many times. With the assistance of Corrupt, Wife-killing Judges like Gerald Reuhen Cole, and Corrupt, Raping Judges like Albert "Pat" Murdoch, and their willingness to SUPPRESS ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF A CRIME, (see image below)


Beck has perjured herself numerous times on several occasions. On the last occasion, she went to Court on March 2007, and filed a Court Case, using images provided to her by someone she called "a friend" during Court proceedings (Shawne Deylon Riley, albeit she has numerous aliases:  Shawne Granere; Shawne Crozier; Shawne Peterson; Shawne Gillette; Shawne Archuleta). Riley provided her with altered Screenshots of Craigslist posts with photos that Beck fraudulently said were of her and Chao. They were the property of Sweet Entertainment Group. The people on the photos had their faces partly covered. However, the Woman was some 40-50 lbs lighter than Beck; had a gap between her front teeth Beck does not have; did not have the football-shaped keloid scar under her left breast that Beck has; the photo, contrary to Beck's perjurious assertions, was not taken with a Polaroid Camera equipped with a timer, but with some other professional equipment.  The Man in the photo did not have the scar on the left wrist that Chao has; has the rounded 'bump' of the Ulnar Bone Chao lacks as he lost inches of that bone through wounds & injuries in the US Army; has long, thin fingers. Chao's are shorter and thicker.  Further, there was an email from the attorney from Sweet Entertainment Group d/b/a  "thedirtyoldman dot com", Paul G. Kent-Snowsell, a porn lawyer in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, who confirmed the photo had been stolen from this client, Mike Sweet, the actual person on the photo Beck had claimed was Chao, and Sweet Entertainment Group.  Kent-Snowsell further stated the Woman in the photo was a professional porn model, not Beck.  Both 'Special Commissioner' Rosemary A. Cosgrove-Aguilar and Judge Angela Juzang Jewell, refused to consider the email; refused Chao's attorney to use the computer to prove beyond any reasonable doubt the photo was stolen from a porn web site; and demanded Chao produced the attorney for Sweet Entertainment Group, Mike Sweet, the President of the Company and the Professional Porn Model.  This would have costs many thousands of dollars to Chao, who was living on a modest VA Disability Pension. It would have entailed paying for 3 First Class Round-Trip Tickets for Kent-Snowsell, Sweet & the Woman porn model; for meals, lodging, incidentals, as well as first class hotel accommodations, time in Court, billable per hour, Witness Fees, miscellaneous expenses, etc.  In the end, the case was appealed to NM Court of Appeals, which refused to hear the case and consider all evidence because Judge Angela Juzang Jewell had not allowed it in the original case. Chao was saddled with a two (2) year restraining order and with the slanderous, outrageous label of someone who posts nude photos of his ex on the internet!  Such is Life in Albuquerque, where if you are a police officer,  you can run traffic lights without a reason to, kill a USAF service member and permanently cripple her sister and only be sentenced to 3 months in jail for CARELESS DRIVING, and be able to keep your job as police officer! But worse has happened.  See the case of Rodrick Jones at the end of this blog.

 Beck stated on the report given to Officer Robbin Burge 9 August 1994, that the accused "does not mean to cause her any harm"; on her Probable Cause Affidavit, Burge states that the purpose of the contact i.e. 11 letters over an 8 month period, was for 're-conciliation, a legitimate, lawful motive;  Beck told Burge she wanted to wait until Summer Break to file the report so as not to interfere with her college classes. No urgency if she was willing to wait months and of course, she admitted, in writing, she did not fear any harm".  Nonetheless, the corrupt judges eliminated the "Essential Elements" as a jury instruction to make it easy to convict the accused.  This was also accompanied by switching a jury at the very last minute, forcing the accused, who was an elementary school teacher and had no criminal record and his attorney to hastily have to select another jury pool because their initial selection had been sent to another courtroom.  This is New Mexico 'jurisprudence'. 

Below some background information on Officer Robbin Burge.

Albuquerque is an extremely dangerous place to live. Not only do you have a lot to fear from Criminals, but a lot to fear of those who are supposed to keep us safe from criminals, but are criminals themselves hiding behind Blue Uniforms or Black MooMoos.  




Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X Corp, the former Twitter, Suppressing Conservatives, Violating Ruling/Precedent of a US District Court Judge